Many believe that testing of prostate cancer may outweigh the risk of it. However, a full diagnosis is recommended with an in-depth treatment of cancer. Testing, diagnosing, evaluating the aggressiveness and spreading area of cancer for enhanced treatment to cure prostate cancer.
Bladder cancer demands to be diagnosed properly in numerous procedure, which includes cystoscopy, biopsy, urine cytology, and imaging test. The determining test to assess the extent of cancer includes bone scan, CT scan, MRI, PET, and Chest X-ray. Defining the grade of the cancer is important for a better treatment approach.
The Diagnosis procedure of kidney cancer includes imaging tests, biopsy, blood, and urine tests. The imaging test may consist of a CT scan, MRI, and X-ray. The next step is to determine the stage of kidney cancer. Evaluating the stage of cancer may require additional imaging or CT scan according to the situation of the patient.
Robotic Surgery is most commonly used for surgeries of prostrate cancer. But, with precision and high-quality equipment success is achieved in other cancer surgeries as well. Highly skilled surgeons with prolong experience in executing successful robotic surgeries of urological and uro-oncological cancers. You are about to discover a new dimension of robotic surgeries in urology and uro-oncology comprising of open surgeries, laparoscopic and a lot more.
Robotic reconstructive procedures, Robotic intracorporeal urinary diversion, robotic and laparoscopic adrenal surgery are executed with precision at an extremely affordable rate. The newest technologies are put into perfect use at Kolkata Urology Clinic.
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